Use a School Term Planner Fridge Magnet to keep all the important school dates, activities, reminders etc. all in one place. Everyone knows where to go to find out what's happening.
- Use liquid chalk to colour code activities or children.
- Use with liquid chalk for best results.
11 week term
Monday to Friday or Monday to Sunday layout
Row for repeating weekly activities e.g. sports day
Please note that whiteboard markers will not work on the black background.
Size: A3 (29.7 x 42 cm)
- Personalisation or customisation of layouts is not available for our magnet planners.
- Magnet planners may not work on all fridge types. Please check your fridge prior to ordering. If a household magnet attaches to your fridge, our planners will too. If your fridge doesn't attract magnets, magnet boards can be purchased at Ikea (svensas), Officeworks etc. We love Moodyboards from Melbourne based company GrowMe.
- Our magnet planners are designed and made in Australia.